Author: Brown, G.W.
Paper Title Page
TU2C3 Commissioning Beam-Loss Monitors for the Superconducting Upgrade to LCLS 207
  • A.S. Fisher, G.W. Brown, E.P. Chin, C.I. Clarke, W.G. Cobau, T. Frosio, B.T. Jacobson, R.A. Kadyrov, J.A. Mock, J. Park, E. Rodriguez, P.K. Roy, M. Santana-Leitner, J.J. Welch
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  Commissioning of the 4-GeV, 120-kW superconducting linac, an upgrade to the LCLS x-ray FEL at SLAC, began in summer 2022, by accelerating a beam through the first cryomodule to 100 MeV. This autumn the beam will accelerate along the full linac, pass through the bypass transport line above the copper linac, and end at a new high-power tune-up dump at the muon shield wall. The first beam through the undulators is expected by early 2023, at a rate well below the full 1 MHz. A new system of beam-loss detectors will provide radiation protection, machine protection, and diagnostics. Radiation-hard optical fibres span the full 4 km from the electron gun to the undulators and their beam dumps. Diamond detectors cover anticipated loss points. These replace ionization chambers previously used with the copper linac, due to concern about ion pile-up at high loss rates. Signals from the new detectors are integrated with a 500-ms time con-stant and compared to the allowed threshold. If this level is crossed, the beam stops within 0.2 ms. We report on the initial commissioning of this system and on the detection of losses of both photocurrent and of dark current from the gun and cryomodules.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TU2C3  
About • Received ※ 08 September 2022 — Revised ※ 09 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 11 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 12 October 2022
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