THC —  Conference Closing   (15-Sep-22   12:20—12:50)
Chair: A.I. Wawrzyniak, NSRC SOLARIS, Kraków, Poland
Paper Title Page
Invitation to IBIC2023  
  • T. Batten
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  The Organizing Committee of the next IBIC conference invites everybody to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada to attend the 12th International Beam Instrumentation Conference IBIC’23 in September 10–15, 2023.  
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Closing of IBIC2022  
  • A.I. Wawrzyniak
    NSRC SOLARIS, Kraków, Poland
  Summary and closing word from the Chairman of IBIC’22, Dr. Adriana Wawrzyniak, Accelerators, Deputy Director of SOLARIS NSRC  
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