Keyword: antiproton
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TUP30 Beam Intensity Measurement in ELENA Using Orbit Pick-Ups proton, simulation, feedback, pick-up 296
  • O. Marqversen, D. Alves
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  A bunched beam intensity measurement system for the CERN Extra Low ENergy Antiproton (ELENA) ring, using a cylindrical shoe-box electrostatic pick-up from the existing orbit system [1], is presented. The system has been developed to measure very challenging beam cur-rents, as low as 200nA corresponding to intensities of the order of 107 antiprotons circulating with a relativistic beta of the order of 10-2. In this work we derive and show that the turn-by-turn beam intensity is proportional to the baseline of the sum signal and that, despite the AC-coupling of the system, the installed front-end electronics, based on a charge amplifier, not only guarantees the preservation of the bunch shape (up to a few tens of MHz), but also allows for an absolute calibration of the system. In addition, the linearity of the intensity measurements and their inde-pendence with respect to average beam position is evalu-ated using a standard electromagnetic simulation tool. Finally, experimental measurements throughout typical antiproton deceleration cycles are presented and their accuracy and precision are discussed.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP30  
About • Received ※ 07 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 01 November 2022
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WEP30 Creation of the First High-Inductance Sensor of the New CCC-Sm Series shielding, pick-up, cryogenics, resonance 469
  • V. Tympel, T. Stöhlker
    HIJ, Jena, Germany
  • L. Crescimbeni, D.M. Haider, M. Schwickert, T. Sieber, T. Stöhlker
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • F. Machalett, T. Stöhlker
    IOQ, Jena, Germany
  • M. Schmelz, T. Schönau, R. Stolz, V. Zakosarenko
    IPHT, Jena, Germany
  • F. Schmidl, T. Schönau, P. Seidel
    FSU Jena, Jena, Germany
  • V. Zakosarenko
    Supracon AG, Jena, Germany
  Funding: Supported by the BMBF, project number 05P21SJRB1.
Cryogenic Current Comparators (CCC) are presently used at CERN-AD (100 mm beamline diameter) and in the FAIR project at CRYRING (150 mm beamline diameter) for non-destructive absolute measurement of beam currents below 20 ’A (current resolution 10 nA). Both sensor versions (CERN-Nb-CCC and FAIR-Nb-CCC-XD) use niobium as superconductor for the DC-transformer and magnetic shielding. The integrated flux concentrators have an inductance of below 100 ’H at 4.2 Kelvin. The new Sm-series (smart & small) is designed for a beamline diameter of 63 mm and uses lead for the superconducting shield. The first sensor (IFK-Pb-DCCC-Sm-200) has two core-based pickup coils (2x 100 µH at 4.2 K) and two SQUID units, to eliminate Barkhausen current jumps as part of the low frequency 1/f-noise. During the construction some basic experiments on noise behavior (fluctuation’dissipation theorem, white noise below 2 pA/sqrt(Hz)) and magnetic shielding (flux concentrator and shielding as LC circuit resonance , additional mu-metal shielding) were undertaken, the results of which are presented here. Finally, a current resolution of 500 pA could be achieved in the laboratory.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-WEP30  
About • Received ※ 05 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 11 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 12 September 2022
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)