MO1 —  Monday Session 1   (12-Sep-22   09:10—10:30)
Chair: A.I. Wawrzyniak, NSRC SOLARIS, Kraków, Poland
Paper Title Page
Photon Science Directions in Poland at the Large Scale Accelerator’s Based Infrastructures  
  • J. Szlachetko, A.I. Wawrzyniak
    NSRC SOLARIS, Kraków, Poland
  • R. Nietubyc
    NCBJ, Świerk/Otwock, Poland
  Polish scientific society, for many decades, has been actively participating in research exploring synchrotrons and free-electron lasers facilities worldwide. Recently, the construction of the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation Centre in Kraków was completed. SOLARIS belongs to the family of low energy synchrotrons with a 1.5 GeV storage ring and presently offers several beamlines for user operation. In parallel, the PolFEL free-electron laser facility at National Centre for Nuclear Research in Warsaw is under construction, and the facility will deliver the first photon beams in 2023. We will present areas of accelerator-based photon research where the Polish scientific community is active and discuss trends and research routes of interest to be implemented at SOLARIS and PolFEL facilities.  
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Overview of Beam Diagnostics for POLFEL  
  • R. Nietubyc, P. Krawczyk
    NCBJ, Świerk/Otwock, Poland
  PolFEL - Polish Free Electron Laser will be driven by a continuous wave superconducting accelerator consisting of low emittance superconducting RF electron gun, four accelerating cryomodules, bunch compressors, beam optics components and diagnostic elements. The accelerator will split in three branches leading to undulators producing VUV, IR and THz radiation, respectively. Two accelerating cryomodules will be installed before a dogleg directing electron bunches towards IR and THz branches. Additional two cryomodules will be placed in the VUV branch accelerating electron bunches up to 185 MeV at 50 kHz repetition rate. Moreover, the electron beam after passing the VUV undulator will be directed to the Inverse Compton Scattering process for high energy photons experiments in a dedicated station. In order to measure and optimise the electron beam parameters along the entire accelerator the main diagnostics components like BPMs, charge monitors, YAG screens, coherent diffraction radiation (CDR) monitors and beam loss monitors are foreseen. Within this presentation the concept of the electron beam diagnostics will be discussed.  
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MO1C3 Development of a 6D Electron Beam Diagnostics Suite for Novel Acceleration Experiments at FEBE on CLARA 1
  • T.H. Pacey, D. Angal-Kalinin, A.R. Bainbridge, J. Henderson, J.K. Jones, N.Y. Joshi, S.L. Mathisen, A.E. Pollard, Y.M. Saveliev, E.W. Snedden, C. Tollervey, D.A. Walsh
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • D. Angal-Kalinin, A.R. Bainbridge, J.K. Jones, T.J. Overton, Y.M. Saveliev, C. Swain, J. Wolfenden
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • J. Henderson
    Cockcroft Institute, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom
  • N.Y. Joshi
    UMAN, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • T.J. Overton
    The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • C. Swain, J. Wolfenden
    The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
  The FEBE beamline at the CLARA facility will combine a 250 MeV FEL quality electron beam with a 100 TW class laser. One area of research FEBE will support is novel acceleration schemes; both structure and plasma based. There are stringent diagnostic requirements for measuring the input electron beam and challenges in characterisation of the accelerated beams produced by these novel schemes. Several of these challenges include measurement of: micrometer scale transverse profiles, 10 fs scale bunch lengths, single shot emittance, broadband energy spectra at high resolution, and laser-electron time of arrival jitter. Furthermore, novel shot-by-shot non-invasive diagnostics are required for machine learning driven optimisation and feedback systems. This paper presents an overview of R&D activities in support of developing a 6D diagnostics suite to meet these challenges.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MO1C3  
About • Received ※ 07 September 2022 — Revised ※ 09 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 13 November 2022
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