Keyword: synchrotron
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MO2I4 Statistical Properties of Undulator Radiation electron, radiation, undulator, photon 11
  • I. Lobach
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  • S. Nagaitsev, A.L. Romanov, A.V. Shemyakin, G. Stancari
    Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA
  Funding: The work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357.
Two experiments were carried out to study the statistical properties of undulator radiation in the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) storage ring at Fermilab. The first experiment studied the turn-to-turn fluctuations in the power of the radiation generated by an electron bunch. The magnitude of these fluctuations depends on the 6D phase-space distribution of the electron bunch. In IOTA, we demonstrated that this effect can be used to measure some electron bunch parameters, small transverse emittances in particular. In the second experiment, a single electron was stored in the ring, emitting a photon only once per several hundred turns. In this regime, any classical interference-related collective effects were eliminated, and the quantum fluctuations could be studied in detail to search for possible deviations from the expected Poissonian photon statistics. In addition, the photocount arrival times were used to track the longitudinal motion of a single electron and to compare it with simulations. This allowed us to determine several dynamical parameters of the storage ring such as the rf cavity phase jitter and the dependence of the synchrotron motion period on amplitude.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MO2I4  
About • Received ※ 02 September 2022 — Revised ※ 11 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 24 September 2022
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MOP18 X-Ray Pinhole Camera Spatial Resolution Using High Aspect Ratio LIGA Pinhole Apertures simulation, photon, experiment, electron 71
  • N. Vitoratou, L. Bobb
    DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  • A. Last
    KIT, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
  • G. Rehm
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  X-ray pinhole cameras are employed to provide the transverse profile of the electron beam from which the emittance, coupling and energy spread are calculated in the storage ring of Diamond Light Source. Tungsten blades separated by shims are commonly used to form the pinhole aperture. However, this approach introduces uncertainties regarding the aperture size. X-ray lithography, electroplating and moulding, known as LIGA, has been used to provide thin screens with well-defined and high aspect ratio pinhole apertures. Thus, the optimal aperture size given the beam spectrum can be used to improve the spatial resolution of the pinhole camera. Experimental results using a LIGA screen of different aperture sizes have been compared to SRW-Python simulations over the 15-35 keV photon energy range. Good agreement has been demonstrated between the experimental and the simulation data. Challenges and considerations for this method are also presented.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MOP18  
About • Received ※ 08 September 2022 — Revised ※ 09 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 13 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 21 November 2022
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MOP23 Recent LHC SR Interferometer Simulations and Experimental Results radiation, simulation, synchrotron-radiation, dipole 88
  • D. Butti, E. Bravin, G. Trad
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  • S.M. Gibson
    Royal Holloway, University of London, Surrey, United Kingdom
  At the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), among the different systems exploiting Synchrotron Radiation (SR) for beam diagnostics, interferometry is under study as a non-invasive technique for measuring absolute beam transverse sizes. Extensive numerical simulations, recently completed for characterising the spatial coherence of the LHC SR source, facilitated the optimisation of the LHC interferometer design and the existing prototype system tested in the past has been refurbished to include the new simulation findings. This contribution describes the simulation specificity and then focuses on first measurements performed at the beginning of the LHC run 3. Such experiments allowed to obtain a first validation of the expected system performance at the injection energy of 450 GeV. A complete benchmark of the simulations will be carried out in 2022 as soon as the LHC will reach its top energy of 6.8 TeV.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MOP23  
About • Received ※ 06 September 2022 — Revised ※ 09 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 13 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 04 October 2022
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MOP31 Automatic Adjustment and Measurement of the Electron Beam Current at the Metrology Light Source (MLS) electron, storage-ring, radiation, synchrotron-radiation 113
  • Y. Petenev, J. Feikes, J. Li
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • A.B. Barboutis, R. Klein, M. Müller
    PTB, Berlin, Germany
  The electron storage ring MLS (Metrology Light Source) is used by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), the German metrology institute, as a primary source standard of calculable synchrotron radiation in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet spectral range. For this, all storage ring parameters have to be appropriately set and measured with high uncertainty. E.g., the electron beam current can be varied by more than 11 orders. This adjustment of the electron beam current, and thus the spectral radiant intensity of the synchrotron radiation, for the specific calibration task is conveniently performed fully automatic by a computer program.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MOP31  
About • Received ※ 01 September 2022 — Revised ※ 09 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 13 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 15 October 2022
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MOP35 New Measurements Using Libera-Spark Electronics at ESRF: The High Quality Phase-Monitor and the Single-Electron electron, injection, booster, SRF 129
  • E. Buratin, N. Benoist, P.B. Borowiec, G. Denat, J. Jacob, K.B. Scheidt, F. Taoutaou
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  Several new diagnostics have been installed and exploited at the ESRF’s new Extremely Brilliant Source (EBS) in 2022. A Libera-Spark BPM device has been implemented to measure the phase of Booster and EBS rings, with high resolution and up to turn-by-turn rate. In the Storage Ring we achieved irrefutably the control, injection and measurement of single electron(s) with the use of transfer-line screens, the visible-light extraction system and a low-cost photo-multiplier tube, combined with the commercial Spark Beam Loss Monitor. Further planned developments, like the TCPC technique, on this are on-going and will be essential to verify that our Booster cleaning process reaches a level of zero-electron bunch pollution in EBS.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MOP35  
About • Received ※ 05 September 2022 — Revised ※ 09 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 11 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 17 November 2022
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MO3C3 Pulse-by-Pulse Photon Beam Position Measurements at the SPring-8 Undulator Beamline radiation, synchrotron-radiation, injection, photon 173
  • H. Aoyagi, T. Fujita, K. Kobayashi, H. Osawa, S. Takahashi
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo, Japan
  Funding: This work is partly supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science through a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (c), No.18K11943, 21K12530.
This study analyzes a pulse-mode x-ray beam position monitor that enables pulse-by-pulse position measurement in a synchrotron radiation beamline of the synchrotron radiation facility, SPring-8. The monitor is equipped with blade-shaped detection elements utilizing diamond heatsinks to reduce stray capacitance and a microstripline transmission line to improve high-frequency characteristics. The detection elements operate as photocathodes and generate single unipolar pulses with a full width at half-maximum of less than 1 ns, allowing pulse-by-pulse measurement of the synchrotron radiation beam. We confirmed the basic operation of the monitor at the SPring-8 bending magnet beamline*. The detection element’s heat resistance consequently improved. An evaluation test was carried out at the SPring-8 undulator beamline with significantly high synchrotron radiation intensity. We aim to report the evaluation results of the sensitivity and resolution of the monitor measured by exciting a betatron oscillation in the horizontal/vertical direction using beam shakers of the SPring-8 storage ring and the observation results of the pulse-by-pulse photon beam dynamics induced by beam injection.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-MO3C3  
About • Received ※ 07 September 2022 — Revised ※ 09 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 11 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 04 December 2022
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TU1I2 Diagnostics with Quadrupole Pick-Ups at SIS18 quadrupole, pick-up, space-charge, simulation 186
  • A. Oeftiger, R. Singh
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  The beam quadrupole moment of stored beams can be measured with a four-plate quadrupole pick-up. The frequency spectrum of the quadrupole moment contains not only the usual first-order dipole modes (the betatron tunes) but also the second-order coherent modes, comprising of (1.) (even) normal envelope modes, (2.) odd (skew) envelope modes and (3.) dispersion modes. As a novel diagnostic tool, the measured frequencies and amplitudes provide direct access to transverse space charge strength through the tune shift as well as linear coupling (and mismatch thereof), along with the benefit of a non-invasive beam-based measurement. Technically, quadrupole moment measurements require a pick-up with non-linear position sensitivity function. We discuss recent developments and depict measurements at the GSI SIS18 heavy-ion synchrotron.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TU1I2  
About • Received ※ 10 November 2022 — Accepted ※ 01 December 2022 — Issue date ※ 02 December 2022  
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TUP09 Design of the Beam Position Monitor for SOLEIL II vacuum, impedance, lattice, site 233
  • M. El Ajjouri, F. Alves, A. Gamelin, N. Hubert
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  The Beam Position Monitors for the SOLEIL low emittance upgrade project are in the design phase. Efforts are put on the minimization of the heat load on the button by optimizing the longitudinal impedance and the BPM materials. To validate the mechanical design and tolerances a first prototype has been manufactured and controlled. This paper presents the mechanical design of the BPM, the metrology of the prototype and the lessons learned from this prototyping phase.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP09  
About • Received ※ 10 September 2022 — Revised ※ 11 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 13 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 07 November 2022
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TUP10 Development of a New Measurement System for Beam Position Pickups in the LINAC and Beam Energy Measurement (Time of Flight) in the MEBT for Medaustron pick-up, LLRF, linac, operation 238
  • M. Repovž, M. Cerv, C. Kurfürst, G. Muyan, S. Myalski, A. Pozenel, C. Schmitzer, M. Wolf
    EBG MedAustron, Wr. Neustadt, Austria
  • A. Bardorfer, B. Baričevič, P. Paglovec, M. Škabar
    I-Tech, Solkan, Slovenia
  The MedAustron Ion Therapy Centre is a synchrotron-based particle therapy facility which delivers proton and carbon beams for clinical treatment. Currently, the facility treats roughly 40 patients per day and is improving its systems and workflows to further increase this number. MedAustron was commissioned and is operational without fully integrated systems for measurements of ’time of flight’ (beam energy) in the MEBT and beam position in the LINAC. This paper presents the newly developed system for these use cases, which will improve the overall commissioning and QA accuracy. It will unify the hardware used for the cavity regulation in the injector LLRF and the synchrotron LLRF. It will also be used for SYNC pickups, Schottky monitors and RF knock-out exciter. The new system is based on the CotS MicroTCA platform, which is controlled by the MedAustron Control System based on NI-PXIe. Currently it supports fiber-optic links (SFP+), but other links (e.g. EPICS, DOOCS) can be established. The modular implementation allows for connections to other components, such as motors, amplifiers, or interlock systems and will increase the robustness and maintainability of the accelerator.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP10  
About • Received ※ 04 September 2022 — Revised ※ 09 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 11 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 28 September 2022
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TUP13 Standard Button BPMs for PETRA IV simulation, electron, alignment, vacuum 249
  • S. Strokov, M. Holz, G. Kube, D. Lipka, S. Vilcins
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  A new diffraction limited light source PETRA IV (DESY, Germany) with ultra-low emittance is currently being designed as an upgrade of the 3rd generation light source PETRA III. For transverse beam position measurements, beam position monitors (BPMs) will be used as an essential part of the beam diagnostic system. There will be a total of about 800 BPMs distributed along the 2.3 km storage ring. The inner diameter of the standard beam pipe, and therefore of most of the BPM chambers, will be 20 mm. The primary purpose of the systems is to provide high-resolution measurements of the transverse position of the electron beam. By specification, the impact of the mechanical tolerances on the position readings should be below 150 microns which is essential for the commissioning of the machine. To achieve this goal, the dependence of the accuracy of the beam position measurement on the tolerances of each manufactured part of the BPM was studied. This paper summarizes the development and optimization of each part of the BPM by using EM simulations performed with CST Studio Suite.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP13  
About • Received ※ 07 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 01 October 2022
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TUP17 HL-LHC Beam Gas Fluorescence Studies for Transverse Profile Measurement background, radiation, synchrotron-radiation, photon 261
  • O. Sedláček, M. Ady, C. Castro Sequeiro, A.R. Churchman, S. Mazzoni, G. Schneider, K. Sidorowski, R. Veness
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  • P. Forck, S. Udrea
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  • M. Sameed
    European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland
  • O. Sedláček, O. Stringer, C.P. Welsch, H.D. Zhang
    The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • O. Sedláček, O. Stringer, C.P. Welsch, H.D. Zhang
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  In a gas jet monitor, a supersonic gas curtain is injected into the beam pipe and interacts with the charged particle beam. The monitor exploits fluorescence induced by beam-gas interactions, thus providing a minimally invasive transverse profile measurement. Such a monitor is being developed as part of the High Luminosity LHC upgrade at CERN. As a preliminary study, the fluorescence cross section of relevant gases must be measured for protons at 450 GeV and 6.8 TeV (i.e. the LHC injection and flat top energies). In these measurements, neon, or alternatively nitrogen gas, will be injected into the LHC vacuum pipe by a regulated gas valve to create an extended pressure bump. This work presents the optical detection system that was installed in 2022 in the LHC to measure luminescence cross-section and horizontal beam profile. Preliminary measurements of background light and first signals are presented in this paper.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP17  
About • Received ※ 07 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 14 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 21 November 2022
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TUP18 High-Resolution Interferometric Beam-Size Monitor For Low-Intensity Beams photon, plasma, wakefield, detector 265
  • B. Alberdi-Esuain, J.-G. Hwang, T. Kamps
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • T. Kamps
    HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
  Plasma-based accelerator technology is reaching a mature state, where applications of the beam for medical sciences, imaging, or as an injector for a future large-scale accelerator-driven light source become feasible. Particularly, the requirements for beam injection into a storage-ring-based light source are very strict with regards to beam quality and reliability. A non-invasive diagnostics greatly helps to reduce the commissioning time of the machine. We present a device suitable for online, non-destructive monitoring of the transverse spot size of the injected beam. In order to measure lateral beam sizes with a few-micrometer resolution, the technique uses an interferometric regime of coherent synchrotron radiation that is enabled by a sub-femtosecond short bunch-length. Simulations of the photon flux and the retrieval of the beam spot-size are performed for different bandwidth filters in order to define the bandwidth acceptance. Results show the potential of the proposed system that achieves precise retrieval of the complex degree of coherence at an extremely low photon intensity similar to those expected towards the plasma-acceleration injectors.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP18  
About • Received ※ 07 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 03 December 2022
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TUP34 LHC Schottky Spectrum from Macro-Particle Simulations simulation, betatron, operation, MMI 308
  • C. Lannoy, D. Alves, N. Mounet
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  • C. Lannoy, T. Pieloni
    EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • K. Łasocha
    Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
  We introduce a method for building Schottky spectra from macro-particle simulations performed with the PyHEADTAIL code, applied to LHC beam conditions. In this case, the use of a standard Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to recover the spectral content of the beam becomes computationally intractable memory-wise, because of the relatively short bunch length compared to the large revolution period. This would imply having to handle an extremely large amount of data for performing the FFT. To circumvent this difficulty, a semi-analytical method was developed to compute efficiently the Fourier transform. The spectral content of the beam is calculated on the fly along with the macro-particle simulation and stored in a compact manner, independently from the number of particles, thus allowing the processing of one million macro-particles in the LHC, over 10’000 revolutions, in a few hours, on a regular computer. The simulated Schottky spectrum is then compared against theoretical formulas and measurements of Schottky signals previously obtained with lead ion beams in the LHC.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP34  
About • Received ※ 06 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 11 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 01 December 2022
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TUP38 Deep Neural Network for Beam Profile Classification in Synchrotron network, diagnostics, operation, emittance 323
  • M. Piekarski
    NSRC SOLARIS, Kraków, Poland
  Funding: The presented work has been achieved in collaboration with AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków as a part of a PhD thesis.
The main goal of NSRC SO­LARIS is to pro­vide sci­en­tific com­mu­nity with high qual­ity syn­chro­tron light. To achieve this, it is necessary to constantly monitor many subsystems responsible for beam stability and to analyze data about the beam itself from various diagnostic beamlines. In this work a deep neural net­work for transverse beam profile classification is pro­posed. Main task of the system is to automatically assess and classify transverse beam profiles based solely on the evaluation of the beam image from the Pinhole diagnostic beamline at SOLARIS. At the present stage, a binary assignment of each profile is performed: stable beam operation or unstable beam operation / no beam. Base model architecture consists of a pre-trained con­vo­lu­tional neural net­work followed by a densely-connected classifier and the system reaches accuracy at the level of 90%. The model and the results obtained so far are discussed, along with plans for future development.
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP38  
About • Received ※ 30 August 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 15 October 2022
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TUP40 Photon Polarization Switch at ALBA polarization, operation, electron, radiation 331
  • L. Torino, G. Benedetti, F.F.B. Fernández, U. Iriso, Z. Martí, J. Moldes, D. Yépez
    ALBA-CELLS, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  The polarization of the synchrotron radiation produced by a bending magnet can be selected by properly choosing the vertical emission angle. At beamlines this can be done by moving a slit to cut out unwanted polarization: this method is time consuming and not very reproducible. Another option is to fix the slit position and generate a local bump with the electron beam, and vary the emission angle at the source point such that the slit is illuminated with the desired polarization. At ALBA, we have implemented this option within the Fast Orbit Feedback, which allows to perform the angle switch in less than one minute without affecting the other beamlines. This report describes the implementation of this technique for the dipole beamline MISTRAL at the ALBA Synchrotron.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-TUP40  
About • Received ※ 05 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 10 November 2022
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WE1C2 An X-Ray Beam Property Analyzer Based on Dispersive Crystal Diffraction simulation, experiment, emittance, undulator 366
  • N. Samadi, G. Lovric, C. Ozkan Loch
    PSI, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  • X. Shi
    ANL, Lemont, Illinois, USA
  The advance in low-emittance x-ray sources urges the development of novel diagnostic techniques. Existing systems either have limited resolution or rely heavily on the quality of the optical system. An x-ray beam property analyzer based on a multi-crystal diffraction geometry was recently introduced. By measuring the transmitted beam profile of a dispersive Laue crystal downstream of a double-crystal monochromator, the system can provide a high-sensitivity characterization of spatial source properties, namely, size, divergence, position, and angle in the diffraction plane of the system at a single location in a beamline. In this work, we present the experimental validation at a super-bending magnet beamline at the Swiss Light Source and refine the method to allow for time-resolved characterization of the beam. Simulations are then carried out to show that the system is feasible to characterize source properties at undulator beamlines for fourth-generation light sources.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-WE1C2  
About • Received ※ 08 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 04 October 2022
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WE2C2 Beam Stability in the MAX IV 3 GeV Storage Ring electron, storage-ring, feedback, operation 370
  • J. Breunlin, G. Felcsuti
    MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
  The MAX IV Laboratory, inaugurated in 2016, hosts a 3 GeV ultra-low emittance storage ring, a 1.5 GeV storage ring and a linear accelerator driven Short Pulse Facility to deliver synchrotron radiation to scientific users. A Stability Task Force has been assigned to ensure the delivery of stable beams since early on in the design phase of the laboratory and is continuing its work in an ongoing and multi-disciplinary effort. Measurements of the electron beam stability resulting from the passive stabilization approach taken for the two storage rings will be presented, as well as figures of beam stability with the Fast Orbit Feedback system in operation. Each ID beamline in the 3 GeV storage ring is equipped with a pair photon beam position monitors that are currently used to complement the electron beam position monitors. In the light of the city development around the MAX IV campus, maintaining the good mechanical stability of the laboratory has to be seen as an ongoing effort. A number of studies are being performed to identify possible risks and to decide where measures need to be taken.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-WE2C2  
About • Received ※ 12 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 15 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 12 October 2022  
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WEP09 Preliminary Evaluation of the MTCA.4 BPM Electronics Prototype for the PETRA IV Project electron, electronics, brilliance, controls 399
  • P. Leban, A. Bardorfer, L. Bogataj, M. Cargnelutti, M.O. Oblak, P. Paglovec, B. Repič
    I-Tech, Solkan, Slovenia
  • G. Kube, F. Schmidt-Föhre, K. Wittenburg
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Within the PETRA IV project at DESY, the synchrotron radiation source PETRA III will be upgraded into a low-emittance source. The small beam emittance and reduced beam size imply stringent requirements on the machine stability. To meet the requirements on position measurement and orbit stability, a high-resolution BPM system will be installed in the new machine, with about 800 BPMs and MTCA.4-based readout electronics. In the TDR phase of the project, I-Tech and DESY are cooperating on the realization of a BPM prototype that will demonstrate the feasibility of reaching the PETRA IV requirements. Several analog, digital and SW parts are taken from the Libera Brilliance+ instrument and are reused in the MTCA.4 BPM prototype, with some innovations. One of them is the separation of the RF switch matrix used for long-term stabilization: placing it near the BPM enables also the long RF cables to be stabilized. An 8 channel RTM board, able to acquire signals from two BPMs was developed and is also tested. This paper presents an overview of the BPM electronics prototype and the promising test results achieved in the Instrumentation Technologies’ laboratory with the first boards produced.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-WEP09  
About • Received ※ 01 September 2022 — Revised ※ 11 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 12 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 23 September 2022
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WEP16 PSF Characterization of the ALBA X-Ray Pinholes simulation, experiment, electron, radiation 421
  • U. Iriso, A.A. Nosych, M. Zeus
    ALBA-CELLS, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  • A.C. Cazorla
    ICMAB, Bellatera, Spain
  • I. Mases Solé
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
  ALBA is currently equipped with two x-ray pinhole cameras for continuous beam size monitoring using the synchrotron radiation from two different bending magnets. The first pinhole was installed in day-1 and it is working properly since 2012 as the work-horse for the ALBA emittance measurements, while the second one has been commissioned in beginning 2021 for redundancy purposes. This paper summarizes the exercises to characterize the Point Spread Function (PSF) of both pinhole cameras using analytical calculations, SRW simulations, and experimental measurements using the beam lifetime.  
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DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-WEP16  
About • Received ※ 06 September 2022 — Revised ※ 12 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 13 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 18 September 2022
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WEP20 Emittance Diagnostics at PETRA IV emittance, radiation, photon, diagnostics 430
  • M. Marongiu, G. Kube, M. Lantschner, A.I. Novokshonov, K. Wittenburg
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  The PETRA IV project will be a Diffraction Limited Light Source designed to be the successor of PETRA III, the 6 GeV 3rd generation hard X-Ray synchrotron light source at DESY in Hamburg. It will operate at a beam energy of 6 GeV with a design emittance of 20/4 pm rad. For a precise emittance online control, two dedicated diagnostics beamlines will be built up to image the beam profile with synchrotron radiation in the X-Ray region. With two beamlines, it will be possible to extract both the transverse beam emittances and the beam energy spread. Both beamlines will be equipped with two interchangeable X-Ray optical systems: a pinhole camera system to achieve high dynamic range and a Fresnel Diffractometry system for high resolution measurements in the range 1-18 um. This paper describes the planned setup and deals with the possible limitations.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-WEP20  
About • Received ※ 05 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 11 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 26 September 2022
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WEP36 Conceptual Design of the Transverse Multi-Bunch Feedback for the Synchrotron Radiation Source PETRA IV feedback, kicker, damping, detector 488
  • S. Jabłoński, H.T. Duhme, B. Dursun, J. Klute, S.H. Mirza, S. Pfeiffer, H. Schlarb
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  PETRA IV will be a new, fourth-generation, high-brilliance synchrotron radiation source in the hard X-ray range. To keep the emittance low at high beam current an active feedback system to damp transverse multi-bunch instabilities is required. The particular challenge to the system is the very low-noise, while maintaining high bandwidth, which is defined by the 2 ns bunch spacing. In this paper, we present the conceptual design of the transverse multi-bunch feedback (T-MBFB) system and technical challenges to fulfill the performance require-ments. An overview is given on the hardware and the method for detecting and damping the coupled-bunch oscillations. Using modern high-speed ADCs enables direct sampling of pulses from beam pick-ups, which removes the necessity for down-converters. Powerful digital signal processing allows not only for the effective feedback implementation, but also for developing versa-tile tools for the machine diagnostics.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-WEP36  
About • Received ※ 06 September 2022 — Revised ※ 10 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 11 December 2022 — Issue date ※ 12 December 2022
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WEP37 Measurements for Emittance Feedback based on Resonant Excitation at Diamond Light Source emittance, feedback, storage-ring, simulation 492
  • S. Preston, L. Bobb, A.F.D. Morgan, T. Olsson
    DLS, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  In the Diamond storage ring, the vertical emittance is kept at 8 pm rad by an emittance feedback which modifies the strengths of skew quadrupoles. A new feedback using a stripline kicker to control the vertical emittance by exciting the beam resonantly at a synchrotron sideband is planned to avoid modification of the optics. This is crucial for the anticipated Diamond-II upgrade of the storage ring, which will have a much smaller equilibrium emittance than the existing machine. A larger coupling is therefore needed to keep the vertical emittance at the same level, potentially reducing the off-axis injection efficiency and lifetime. Measurements of the beam oscillation and emittance have been performed at the existing storage ring to characterise the effects of chromaticity and impedance on the optimal excitation frequency, where the emittance is increased significantly while the beam oscillation is kept low. The implications for simulating the emittance feedback for the Diamond-II storage ring are also discussed.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-IBIC2022-WEP37  
About • Received ※ 02 September 2022 — Revised ※ 12 September 2022 — Accepted ※ 16 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 30 November 2022
Cite • reference for this paper using ※ BibTeX, ※ LaTeX, ※ Text/Word, ※ RIS, ※ EndNote (xml)